Every day counts
On June 1st 2019, I started a 90-Days-of-Summer photography project. I had been interested in doing a 365, but a whole year, especially starting in January, seemed daunting. Summer was more manageable with the kids home from school, days full of beautiful light, and lots of fun activities and trips planned.
By 90 days, I had created a habit so I decided to keep going, and later, even the winter days weren’t so hard. In 2020, the first few weeks of the pandemic were actually exciting, photographically speaking. I knew it was important to capture these days. But as the weeks and then months went on, time seemed to get a little fuzzy. I would reference something that happened and couldn’t remember if it happened a week ago or a month ago. Each day seemed so much like the one before it.
Then I lost a week of pictures in the beginning of May. I had already erased my SD card, but I couldn’t find several days of pictures on my computer. When I tried to remember what we even did during those days, I was drawing a blank. Luckily, I realized I had a filter activated in Lightroom, and the pictures were still there. When I saw what was missing, I realized they were sweet little memories. One was of my son wearing glow glasses that came in the mail from his youth group leader. Another was of my family finding our first geocache (which quickly turned into a favorite hobby that summer!)
I was humbled. There were some really hard days, but there was something beautiful and meaningful in each of our days. God has placed us here in “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), and we are in the business of living his kind of kingdom, even when it looks so different than we imagined.
Life is made up of moments, and I am so glad for this little reminder to appreciate every day.